Saturday, June 16, 2018

Afterward 1806

      I was sitting, meditating today and it was the best session ever in my life. I will not describe the experience. What is different about today is that after completion, I immediately picked up my pen and paper and wrote down the following;
      The beauty of the universe is that while everything changes, nothing is ever lost. Plants, animals, people die. That is the change, but they are not lost, but rather they are transformed into something else. A plant dies and then becomes fertilizer for the earth. An animal dies and becomes food for us and other scavengers. People die and their bodies transform into gas, minerals, and chemicals, but the soul-the best part of us- it never dies. The soul is part of the universal consciousnesses that has always existed and will always exist. The earth may at some point transcend into bits of cosmic dust, but the universal conscious, which is not matter, will continue. All of the thoughts that ever were are still around. Everything changes every day; we just don't recognize it until the minor becomes the major.
      I have not altered a thing here with the wording of the thoughts, even the abrupt ending of the paragraph above. I did not want to change the thought process that just came to me immediately after the meditation. I do not claim the above to be an exact truth; it may be; it may not be, but it is the experience that overcame me. I will continue to ponder that through the day, its merits or perhaps its faults in truth or actuality. I wanted to share an experience as it happened and as it had never happened before, despite my years of meditation. If you are wondering at this point, no I did not engage in any mind altering hallucinogenic materials prior to the experience.

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