Tuesday, March 27, 2018

When I was 16 1803

       I started working at a gas station in 1961 making $1 an hour, which after withholding taxes left maybe less than $35 for a 40 hour week. Working on Saturday I netted maybe $40. I used to think that when I could make $100 a week I would have a new car and a new house and be living the good life.
       When I got to $100 a week, it was going to take $200 a week to reach my goal.
When I got to $200 a week it was $300. This continued until I was up to $550 a week in California and I was still behind the curve. The most I ever made was $600 a week and the only new home we ever had was a townhouse in Escondido and that was only because Joyce was making good money too in California.
       Four and a half years after that I decided we should go back to Missouri and get an old house with a few acres. We did that and I was pleased because the payments were far less here and there was a lot more bang for the buck. I think that was a very good decision.

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