Monday, March 26, 2018

Being the woman of the house 1803

       Since Joyce was home from the hospital and unable to do the things she normally did I have spent 2.5 months being the woman of the house, cooking, cleaning, dish washing, laundry, vacuuming on a 24/7 basis. My hands have been burned, dried out from washing and cleaning. I have worked through tiresome chores for what seems like a long time. I never realized all my mother and now my wife have done for my 72.5 years on earth.
       It has been an experience and an appreciation of what women do for us guys and I am happy that Joyce is able to do some of those things again. I still have to help in the chores, but not like those 2.5 months earlier. For you guys who see this post, just take over for a full week and you will appreciate all your wife or significant other does for you.

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