Thursday, March 15, 2018

Today's notes

      I have started looking at the obituaries in the morning paper and if my name is not in there, I decide today is going to be a good day.

      This is weird, but every day I wake up I have some song melody and lyric running over and over in my head. I usually can’t get it to stop and even when I go to bed at night it is still in my head, over and over. Today’s lyric and melody is from a movie and it went “some day my prince will come.” The strange thing about it is that I have never been waiting for my prince to come. Those that look for their prince to come are okay by me, everyone deserves someone to love. Damn now that Freddie Mercury song “can someone find me someone to love” is in my head. I had shifted this afternoon to “we’ll meet again, don’t know where don’t know when, but we’ll meet again some sunny day.” Now writing the we’ll meet again lyric has brought me some relief. No matter what the lyric is, the next morning it is a new and different one, otherwise I would go absolutely bonkers.

      We were at the laundromat the other day when I saw the attendant sorting someone else’s laundry (they will do any and all types of laundry for people). That scene took me back to 1966. We were out on carrier qualifications on the Kitty Hawk. I had a top bunk on a major passageway to the ship’s laundry. I was on the night shift from 7pm to 7am so I was sleeping during the daytime. About 10am the laundry crew would be hauling laundry from crew compartments to the laundry. They had these laundry bags that were close to 20 feet long and it took 5 sailors to carry them once they were filled. They would come by my bunk and wake me up. When I awakened all I could see was this giant white bag coming by my bunk and it looked like a 20 foot long caterpillar going by. Had I been drinking the night before, I would have thought it was a hallucination. Maybe it was a flashback.

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