Monday, March 12, 2018

Elements 1803

       Stay with me on this for a bit. I was thinking today as I ate my shredded wheat cereal. Our pantry and refrigerator are filled with all kinds of canned goods and fresh foods that will only last us for a few days.

      I know that travel through outer space takes years even at the speed of light, so how could ETs travel for years without enough stored food? Would they have to tow a freight train sized line of saucers behind them? That could never happen, so how would they do it?

      Lucky for me, I have been watching a series titled “Spacetime Odyssey” where they talk about everything in the physical world and in space. It just dawned on me that there is only one way the ETs could make those long trips. Ready to hear this? It is rather simple.

      Everything in our universe is made from one or more of 118 elements.

      Those elements are made of their specific atoms. Every atom is made of just three parts, proton, neutron and electron. Atoms are so small we can’t see them, even with an optical microscope. We get everything in our natural world by changing the number of protons in the atom. Hydrogen has 1 proton, carbon has 6. That is basically how different things are made. Combine atoms with different numbers of protons and you make everything in the world.

      So what the ETs do is take a box of protons, a box of neutrons and a box of electrons and then mix them together to make everything from bananas to rocket fuel. A cigar-sized box packed full of protons, one of neutrons and one of electrons has enough of these to last a lifetime and more. I think they must have some type of special blender to mix up the 3 parts and make whatever they need. I bet if I could find out how to make one of those blenders I could sell them for some serious cash, enough to get me a fine used Cadillac and some good whiskey.

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