Saturday, March 17, 2018

Saint Patrick's Day


      Well it’s a grand day for the Irish. Saint Patrick’s legend is that he miraculously rid Ireland of all the poisonous snakes that had permeated the land and terrified the people there.

      You no doubt have heard the phrase “The luck o’ the Irish,” well I have to tell you it’s true. Why this very day I got a check for $850 but I cannot just cash it; I can only use it as a downpayment on a new hearing aid. Now isn’t that lucky? Does it make you wonder how much that hearing aid must cost? T’is a deal I almost wish I could cash in on; I get some flyer from a hearing aid company at least once a week, but not every day do I get an offer like this one.

      Me mother and grandmother were Irish and were both grand women, well at least me mother was. Me grandmother always fought with her neighbors and even living in me father’s home, she would not even acknowledge his presence. While I’ll not be having a green beer this day, I will tip one or two in honor of me heritage. I think I hear that beer calling out from me refrigerator right now. T’is a grand thing I can hear that, is it not?

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