Sunday, March 25, 2018

Blog posts 1803

       I use Google blogger for my blog posts. It is free to use and they keep track of things so I can see numbers of posts, views, what web browsers access posts and where they come from. There is no hint of who views them so if you read the posts I have no idea of who you may be.

       I was looking this morning and saw some interesting statistics. 72% of readers are from the U.S. and 15% are from Russia, 3% are from Ukraine, 1% from south America and the rest are scattered about.

       The interesting thing about the statistics is the web browsers that access the blog. 63% use Google Chrome browser, even though 42% of the computers are Microsoft Windows machines. Only 6% of those windows computer users use a Microsoft web browser. 30% of viewers use Apple’s Safari browser or IPhones.

       Since 2010 I have published 924 posts; there were many more starting in 2006, but they did not transfer well when I shifted to the isaw3seas label on the posts, so I deleted them. The some of the pictures were not transferred, I no longer had them and many of the links were no longer valid since they were to web pages under the B.B.Weber label when I had my own server. There have been 31,944 views since 2010 and I hope to break 1,000 posts by the end of the year and maybe 33,000 views, but that all depends on you the viewers.

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