Saturday, March 3, 2018

Alien Abductions

      I used to think this was all a hoax, but now I am not so sure. I have been watching documentaries and thinking about what I see and hear. Researchers have said as many as 2% of the world’s population have been abducted and subjected to examinations by ET’s. Those who come forward all have similar experiences during the abductions and these are people who do not know each other and never met each other. Those abducted are medically examined with particular emphasis on their genitals and later find out there are implants placed in their bodies and those implants are placed with reconnected nerve endings. As you well know, our nerve endings send messages to our brains. Consider that for a moment. After these examinations some are shown hybrid ET/human babies.

      More and more people around the world are seeing UFO’s in every country in the world. The ET’s seem to be using human DNA to mix with ET DNA just like human scientists were using DNA to clone animals a while back. Perhaps they still are; I do not know. It is not far fetched to think that these human/ET DNA mixtures are being created to infiltrate humanity.

      When I was a boy in high school, we had to take a class in a foreign language. I thought the furthest I might even travel would possibly be to Mexico (I really had that one wrong) so I took 2 years of Spanish. I had never seen anyone of Hispanic origin. Now 60 years later the U.S. population of Hispanics is over 30%. In 1985 I was sent to a training class in L.A. There I went through the Alhambra district and there were miles of nothing but Vietnamese, Chinese and other Asians. Even the street signs were in a language I did not understand.

My point here is, if in 60 years our population has shifted from nearly all European to about 45% other, there is a distinct possibility our population is also become increasingly ET. More about that below.

      As stated before these ET’s are collecting male and female DNA, so the logical reason is they are studying our makeup. Why? Again logically the reason must be they are creating human or humanoid beings from that DNA. If as mentioned before, just 2% of the U.S. population have been abducted and samples taken from them, there may already be 6,000,000 ET/human hybrids in the U.S. alone. It turns out that the majority of ET’s are reported to be short creatures. Have you noticed lately how many short humans are around us these days? The U.S. population had been growing taller for over 200 years, but in the last 70 years the trend has begun to reverse. Coincidence, I think not. Look at horses as the huge creatures they were and are. Someone got the idea to mix the tall with the small and now we have miniatures that are only knee high. The next time you see a strange looking short person, you may wonder if that person may be half ET.

      Consider this, since the first recorded incident of a crashed flying saucer in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 our technology has ramped up on a parabolic curve. That makes our technology prior to that time look like the stone age compared to where we are just 70 years later. That much of a leap in technology has never happened in all of recorded history. One has to ask why? The answer is obvious to me. The technology has come from reverse engineering technology from crashed UFO's.

      Many abductees have been been shown videos of a dying planet that can only be the result of a nuclear war. Are the ET’s giving us a warning of what will happen should we enter into a nuclear war? One has to wonder how close are we right now to having a nuclear war? If you watch the news, we are getting closer every day.

      This essay may seem wacky to you at this moment in time, but think about 70 years ago when most of the population thought space travel and landing on the moon was an insane thought.

      Update here, I have noticed a lot of people lately that look very much like each other but are not related. Another case for this DNA mixing the ET's are doing. As yet they only have 2% of the population to work with. The ET's are working to wittle down the height of normal humans so they can move in and kick our asses.

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