Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Grow Van 1803

      I had a flash of genius this morning as I walked to and from the Walmart parking lot. I walked in and there was a Ford Transit passenger van in a handicap spot. The Transits have a glass top on an extended and high roof. Any van could be converted, even a Chevy. When I left there was a Dodge van with the same color in the same spot, but it had a low more streamlined roof line.

      The thought occurred to me, why not create a van that could have a variable height roof? This could be done using large pins like those used to anchor tractor implements. The pins could be pinned at the lower setting for highway travel or normal driving and raised for carrying big cargo. There would be additional pins on the rear quarter panel past the wheels to extend the back end for very long cargos. The rear two seats would be flat folding so anything cargowise would slide in easily. The rear seats would also have built in depressions on the back side of the seat.

      Here is where the genius comes in and hence the name grow van. With the glass roof, the depressions would be made to house large planters so when a person was not driving around town he or she could grow his or her pot plants in the back of the van. I think it would be the biggest selling van in history! And You are welcome.

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