Monday, February 26, 2018

Things of little or no value anymore 1802

       Things have changed so much in my lifetime and are changing faster than ever today. I hope this post is not a downer, but rather just a group of observations I have made. There are a lot more things I have not even thought of today. The first 5 paragraphs are personal in my life, the rest are mere observations.
       I was sitting having coffee this morning (too early for beer) when I thought about all the things I studied (thousands of hours involved) that are no longer relevant. I spent years studying about cars and their repair. Now there are few independent repair shops around and there is little to nothing I can do on a modern car.
       I have years of study and experience in TV and electronic repair down to individual component repair, but there are a minimal number of TV, stereo or radio shops, mainly those working on warranty repair and have access to manufacturer's part supplies. There used to be electronic parts supply stores all over the place, now there are none I know of around here. I worked on a treadmill for a friend a few years ago and discovered the problem. It was a basic electrolytic capacitor, but there was nowhere we could find one to buy.
       When personal computers first hit the market they were expensive for very basic desktops. I knew guys that bought parts and built their own and sold them for half what the big box stores sold them for. That has gone by the wayside.
       I spent countless hours learning HTML code to create my early web pages. There were a lot of people making good money producing web pages for businesses and individuals. Now nearly anyone who can spend a reasonable amount of time can make a website without knowing any HTML code.
       Basically things I have learned and done in my lifetime are all irrelevant and of no use anymore. I hope I never have to find another job in my lifetime. I have forgotten so many things that were important to me and were what I used to make a living all of my life.
       Cassette tapes were the rage years ago, especially 8 track, now you would have to go to a flea market to find one and finding a player would be even more difficult.
       Shoe repair, do you know of any people making a living doing that? Those metal devices shoe salesmen used to use to measure your foot and then get you the right size to try on and buy, seen any lately?
       Cooking, no one needs to know how to cook anymore. There is any and everything in the grocery store to heat and eat.
       Pattern makers for dresses, coats, seamstresses, tailors. Every department store had those people years ago, are there any today?
       Soon it will be factory workers who will disappear because of the robotic machines that make cars and everything else.
       Last of all, the human race will dwindle when the artificially intelligent androids take over. People will not be necessary and unnecessary things are quickly discarded.

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