Sunday, February 25, 2018

Amazon 1802

      I was on Amazon this morning to buy an electronic device that cost $37.50. Amazon’s policy is to ship free any item $25 or more. I placed my item in the cart and proceeded to checkout. When I got to checkout it had the item price plus $5.14 shipping and handling. I went back and verified the page said free shipping and then started looking for some help. I finally found a link for customer assistance and after going through several questions about what the problem was, I saw a link to enter my phone number and receive a call back from Amazon. The call came quickly and I was connected to a rep called Daniel. Daniel was obviously not from the U.S. in fact I think he was in India. He looked at my purchase and said that does not have free shipping.

      I told him it said so on the ad page and beside that Amazon ships any order free if it is over $25. Daniel relented and told me he would make a one time deal by removing the shipping charge. I will have to wait and see on that. I have had had issues before with Amazon when they say free shipping on the ad page, but then sneak in a charge at checkout. The device I am buying uses small batteries I could buy at 10 for $4.50 which I thought was a good deal, until checkout. Instead of shipping the two items together as the advertisement suggested, there was a separate shipping for the batteries and that was $5.00 which was more than the batteries.

      I have bought a lot from Amazon through the years, but every once in a while, they try to slip something over on on me. It would have been easy to pay the shipping, but the principle set me off. I just hope I do not have to go head to head with them again. It used to be that Amazon always had the good stuff at the best price, but that is not always true anymore. I suggest one should shop around to be sure he/she gets the best deal. I have never had to send anything back, but they still advertise returns are simple to do and I notice looking at reviews many people do send things back with no complaints about the return policy.

      I just checked and the shipping charge was removed,yea!

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