Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Fall

I had nothing to write today, so I looked for something I wrote years ago but never posted. I like this little story, so here it is.
October 2, 2001

Signs, signs, everywhere signs, breaking up the scenery messing my mind. That is a lyric from an old song I liked back in the seventies I think. But it makes a good lead-in for tonight’s story.


Summer is gone, faded away,
The flowers are wilting; they’ve had their day.
The leaves are turning brown.
Soon they’ll be spread all over the ground.
I’ve mowed the grass all season long,
Now the season moves along.
I relish the change, and study each leaf,
‘tis a beautiful season, but all too brief.
The winter soon comes, cold and gray,
Nights are longer they shorten the day.
I’ve rested on this porch the summer through,
Now there’s little left in my garden to do.
I savor each moment I get to rest here,
I calmly relax, sipping my beer.
Soon the cold will force me inside,
Like a hermit in a cave, I’m bound to reside.
I love the fall, the atmosphere,
The air is crisp, the sky is clear.
When I die, my daughter dear,
Save the ashes for this time of year.
Spread your Dad’s ashes in the flower bed,
For many springs after, you’ll know I’m not dead.
I’ll grow your flowers straight and tall,
Straight through summer and into the fall.
Sit on the porch just as I’d do,
Enjoy your flowers, yellow white orange and blue.

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