Friday, January 19, 2018

Star Date 171031

     We are currently on the planet Barnes in the star system Louis. We are presently in a warped time system where one moment can be a year while a year can be a moment in Earth time. I know I have written to you before about being the 76% man and did well enough. The past weeks on planet Barnes seem like a lifetime. I am living in a realm with a whole different tier of brainpower. While my 76% was adequate in my world, this world is vastly different. This world begins at 100% and ramps up from there. The star creatures here speak in a language I do not understand, using words I have never heard and certainly could not begin to spell. They have to stop and think of how to communicate on a level I can understand. They all dress in costumes unlike anywhere else I have seen. I am like an infant here. I know nothing of what they speak, do not know where I am going, cannot fend for myself. Their machines are hooked up in a strange manner to my companion. The machines operate with clicks, whirrs, pops, flashing lights and occasional loud alarms that bring these strange beings running into the space I share with the other human being I call Joyce, a female I have lived with for 54 Earth years. The oddly costumed star beings quickly determine the cause of the alarm and repair whatever the problem is.

     My female companion Joyce is held captive by the machines these star beings have. Sometimes they wheel her out of this space for hours at a time to poke, probe, scan and drill into her skull and perform experiments. Every time she is brought back she is in a state of deep sleep, racked by the experiments they perform on her and too exhausted to wake up. Often times after the experiments Joyce does not know or remember who I am. She is too weak to get out of her bed. I cannot leave without her, so we are trapped here together until such time as these star creatures deem to release us. Sometimes I fear Joyce will not survive the treatments they are giving her. If she succumbs to these treatments and finally passes away, I do not know how I will live without her. Perhaps if the star people are not finished with all of their experimenting, they will just hook me up to their containment machines and continue the experimenting on me. I fear Joyce and I may never return to our home on the planet Earth.

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