Tuesday, January 30, 2018

John from Outer Space Chapter 4

       I got back to the casino hotel at 1230 after normal checkout time. I knocked on the room door. The little filly answered the door, looking pretty bedraggled and worse for the wear after a night with John. The room was trashed and all I could think of was, what is this going to cost me? There were 6 empty bottles of champagne, 2 six packs worth of empty cans and an empty pizza box. I knew what pizza and beer cost, but the champagne could be cheap or very expensive and the tab was going to be on me, while I got none of the benefits.

      The filly left with a big smile on her face, while John was ready to go have some more fun at any moment. The late checkout, the room service and the damages ran $352.23, plus the $84.00 for the room. I was feeling queasy when John suggested we have a beer. I was hesitant at first, but thought as long as I was buying for him, I would get one for myself. After 2 more rounds John said, “let’s go out on the casino floor and pick up some money from those slot machines.”

      I said, “John those things take money, not give it out.”

       John replied, “Bill, I got here after a multi-million mile trip in a very advanced spaceship. I know how to beat a simple slot machine, just by realigning the magnetic field, thereby altering the electrical current in the processor that runs the machine.”

      “Then why didn’t you do that last night?” I asked.

      “Didn’t you see I was busy drinking and tending to that young filly last night? How much do I owe you at the moment Bill?” “$436.23 so far John.”

      “No problem Bill. Here we go.” 4 spins later John hit a $1200.00 jackpot. I was astounded! “Simple parlor trick Bill. Let’s hit one more before we have another beer.” We walked around while John scanned more slot machines. He settled on one and 2 spins later he had another $900.00 jackpot. “Let’s have another beer Bill.” We went back through the swinging doors with John harboring a pocket full of money. He handed me $600.00 and his debt was clear and my mind found peace in knowing I could cover the previous bills, and because I was still buying the beer, I was a little ahead for the moment.

      What happened next was a little dicey...

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