Monday, January 29, 2018

John from Outer Space Chapter 3

      Moments later, 2 of those boys burst back through the side door and ran out through the swinging doors at the bar entrance. The little filly and I had just ordered another beer and thought better of leaving those fresh cold beers on the bar to go see what happened outside.

      John came walking through the side door a minute later, lighting a smoke and looking just like he did when he left. He strolled over and said, “I forgot how good Earth cigarettes were; it’s been many years since I was last here. I took these from those fellas out there; they won’t be in any shape to smoke em for a while.”

      Another minute and the casino security team bolted through the swinging doors and then shot out the side door to see was happening or had happened. We, John, me and the filly sat there and had another Budweiser. We could hear the siren on the truck the EMS responders used to get to the scene of an accident. After the truck left, the security team came back in and walked over to us to ask what happened out the side door. Me and the filly shrugged our shoulders; John returned their question with the one of his own, “where the hell is the side door?” The security guys looked at each other and then walked back into the casino.

      I got up (you can’t buy good beer, you can only rent it for a while) and as I passed the swinging doors I saw the U.S. marshals come in (those guys are the law in Oklahoma casinos and they are always in full combat gear and weapons). I slid back over to the bar and said, “John you better scoot out of here or there will be some real trouble.”

      John stood up and said, “Bill me and this little filly are leaving. Give me your room key; I’m a little short on cash.”

      “John, what am I going to do without my room?”

      “You figure it out on your own Bill. Stop by the room late tomorrow morning, the keyword here is, late!”...

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