Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Extra Terrestrials December 2017

I do enjoy watching the History channel program Ancient Aliens on Fridays. Some of it gets a little far out, but a lot of it makes sense. Some shows talk about “the grays.” They come to earth and sometimes abduct people to probe and test them. They look something like this:
Some say they have shared technology with the U.S. and I did not know if I believed that or not, until today. I was in Joyce’s room at the hospital and when I glanced to the side, this below is what I saw,

I think this proves they have been here and they have shared technology with us. Look at this robot; it has a large head, dark eyes, narrow shoulders and long spindly legs. It is a robot copy of the grays. Once I noticed it, with its thin arms disguised as electric chords, every time I looked away and then back, it had moved closer to me. I wanted to take a short nap, but there was no way I was going to fall asleep with that thing in the room. I know what they do to people when they fall asleep.

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