Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Genealogy 180103

This holiday season has been filled with genealogy advertisements on TV from different companies and they all link common people to great ancestors, kings, dukes and even George Washington. I suppose that sells people on the idea they are descended from greatness. My now deceased sister-in-law Sheri was a great student of genealogy. She worked at the science, actually tracing birth certificates and family trees. She sent me a complete history back to and beyond 1850. It was factual and correct. It showed my great, great, great grandfather was August Weber, a citizen of Germany. Now I was just thinking today that I bet grandpa August might have changed his last name to Bush after he got here to America. And I know he was a beer drinker and Germans have always been the best brewers. So it’s only logical that grandpa August Weber, now (Bush) is the man who started the Budweiser brewing company of Saint Louis, Missouri. Now that makes me and my brother Tom, great niece Gina and my sisters heir to all this Budweiser money and I think it is about time I got my share of that fortune. I hope there’s enough of that Budweiser fortune left for them after I get my share (I am now the oldest family member). I think that having grandpa Bush is even better than having that George Washington fellow as an ancestor. I will let you know how all that works out.

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