Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Why? 171003

How can a man kill 59 people he does not even know?
With no regard for the heartache that continues to grow
Families torn for evermore
Left with no means to restore
Young people with greatness lost
Family members suffering the cost
No way to assess what those dead may have done
When they are gone from earth by the act of one
Tears I shed for those I would never know
Tears of their families continue to flow
Teachers were killed in their prime
Well before their anointed time
The coward that killed them all
Killed himself before taking the fall
I asked my God, “how could this be?”
I waited, but He never answered me

This thought came to me and it is really without merit in this case, but the sentiment, with God not answering me in my prayers and this excerpt from the poet Tennyson’s thoughts on the “Charge of the Light Brigade” somehow connect with me.

Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of death
Rode the six hundred.

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