Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Christmas in Walmart 171004

It’s Christmas time in Walmart. The trees are all lit up, shelves full of every sort of decoration and tree ornament. Lights of all description are available.
I was so inspired by the displays; I rushed home, grabbed a beer and started playing Christmas music on our sound system. While listening, I had a flashback to my early grade school days over 65 years ago. It was the first time since then that I remembered this story.
bill abt 1950.JPGI was in a Catholic grade school when Christmas time was near. The Nun who taught our class picked me to act as Joseph in the Christmas pageant and Mary Beth to play the role of Mary. I was, I believe a cute little boy in those days. We two had to leave class and walk over to the priest house, knock on the door and when the priest came to the door I had to say, “I am Joseph and this is Mary and we would like you to come and see our Christmas pageant.”
I have no further memory about that play. I can only think I may not have been very good in the play because that ended my acting career.

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