Monday, October 2, 2017

Las Vegas Tragedy 171002

The tragedy in Las Vegas last night has been horrific. I have watched the unfolding nightmare all day today. I do not intend to be political on this event. What I do want to say is there are so many things in our daily lives that can happen to end our lives, Semi-truck collisions, a tire blowout that sends us into a bridge, a gas explosion in our home, a heart attack or stroke. The list goes on and on with potential problems. I hope all of us will tell and show the one we love every day that we do love them. Tell families how we love them whenever we see or talk to them. Try to make someone’s day by telling them how much you appreciate the grocery cashier, the gas station attendant, the post person if you see him/her at the mailbox, the next-door neighbor. Whomever you meet, it could be their or your last day on earth.
To those of you who read my posts and/or make comments, thank you for keeping me posting things. It helps me and I hope you. Let’s be kind to those we interface with. We never know that perhaps a kind word or a thank you might prevent a suicide or a killing or lead someone to seek help for a depressed or mental condition.

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