Thursday, September 28, 2017

The House was glowing 1709

There were two times when I worked at Litton when we had guests on the farm that Joyce said the house was glowing. Once was when Kevin (engineer) his son Matthew (child prodigy), Alex (engineer) and Tracy (engineer) were there. Kevin, Matthew and Kathleen (teacher and Kevin’s wife) were there on a visit. Alex and Tracy had heard so much about Kevin (always referred to as the large child) in so many of my stories about our days at Burroughs computer company when I worked there, they just had to meet him. There was as Joyce said, so much brain power in one spot that she could feel the glow from it.
Another time it was Tracy, Alex, Todd and Alex’s friend Chang there for an evening. They were also engineers. The night was palpable with all the knowledge in one spot.
We are old now and do not have the company we did at one time. All of those mentioned above have disbursed across the country, but the memories still remain.
One more thing here, I was on Google the other day opening a file that I use once a month and I hit a button by mistake, one I had never used before. It showed me everything I had changed on that file in the last year and a half. My point here is, no matter what you do online is there perhaps forever. Use caution in what you post. Those selfies you post and those words you write may be deleted for you, but they are on other’s computers and servers for a long time. Those things may come to haunt you in the future. Facebook is perhaps the worst. Even though you may cancel your service, those posts are available for a long time after that.

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