Saturday, October 7, 2017

Fall is or is not 171007

Autumn leaves scurry across the pavement. People in yards are raking them up. A slight coolness fills the air. Air conditioners run less while windows relearn their up/down motion. Flowers begin to fade. The sun moving south, blankets them with more shade. Daylight wanes, as nightfall creeps in earlier each day. Nature’s colors are on display. Enjoy them while you may, for soon they will fade away. Stadiums fill with joy and cheers on one side, while the silence of tears drains the other side. Farmers have another crop in the bin, a feeling of accomplishment settles in. Festivals abound in many a small town. Up north, the first snows have hit the ground. Here, change is all around. As for me I can always found, beer in hand, contemplating the wonders of this great land.

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