Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Yet more about N Korea 170808

I keep writing about this situation with N Korea. I may appear to be obsessed with it. Just today August 8, 2017 our security agencies have stated that N Korea has just loaded cruise missiles onto patrol boats. These missiles are ship killers. The news today from our intelligence agency states N Korea now has a nuclear warhead that they can deliver to the US. As I have stated, there is a real danger to sailors on navy ships near N Korea. With our president’s statement today that he will meet the N Korean threats with fire and destruction like the world has never before seen, I think the little guy with the bad haircut in N Korea will launch a cruise missile at one of our navy ships to test the resolve of our current president. I hope I am wrong in my assessment of the situation, but I have been correct so far. As our president’s polling numbers continue to fall, I believe he becomes more unstable and more dangerous.
Those of you who believe in prayer might say a prayer tonight as I have for several days now.

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