Tuesday, August 8, 2017

North Korea 1708

August 7, 2017 the little man with the big head and terribly bad haircut who runs north Korea has just vowed to continue nuclear tests and increase ballistic missile tests and will strike at the US very soon. In my recent posts July 29 An update on my thoughts on the president and July 26 A thought on our president I said he will have to make a dig military decision on north Korea. After today’s comments from the little guy with the big head who runs north Korea I am even more concerned.
If I was on a US navy ship in the sea of Japan anywhere near north Korea I would be very concerned. Any US ship within 200 miles of the north is a sitting duck for a north Korean cruise missile and there would be little or no time to dodge it.
I remember when I was a child after Sunday church services we would pray for the soldiers in Korea during that war. I think now is the time to say a few prayers for our soldiers and sailors in Korea and off the coast in ships. Please take a moment or two and pray for their safety.

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