Friday, August 11, 2017

Welfare! 1708

Our current government wants to call the Social Security Administration payouts Welfare and wants to cut it back or out completely. The fact is that this program is actually titled the Federal Old Age Survivors and Disability Insurance program. An insurance program is by federal law required to take in enough money to ensure the program is solvent and can pay out all of its debts to recipients. It is not a welfare program. We hear from the government that we need to cut welfare, including Social Security. The problem is that in 1965 the government blended the Social Security trust fund into the general budget to pay for the Vietnam war. That was illegal, but then it is the government. That money from the trust fund has never been repaid and now the government wants to cut Social Security because it is according to them too costly.
The solution is simple, just raise the amounts paid out of wages to a sustainable level for the program.
Also, the maximum amount anyone pays into the program is based on a salary level of $127,000 a year. Those of you who read this may think that is a lot of money and it is; but just think of this, the president’s son-in-law and daughter both made over $100,000,000 last year and they are nowhere near alone. Workers can see in their weekly paychecks a deduction for FICA tax. FICA stands for federal insurance contributions act, key word here is insurance. This insurance funds Social Security. The government takes 6.2% of your pay for FICA so if you make $20,000 you pay $1,200 tax $50,000 you pay $3100 FICA tax and if you make $100,000 a year you pay $6200 FICA tax a year and your employer pays an equal amount to Social Security. Think about how much money that goes in to the fund. Think of what that amounts to for people making $1,000,000 if they paid on every dollar they earn as we working people have done all of our lives. Way back in 2005 upper-middle-class wages were over $100,000. I have seen people whining on TV about the fact that people cannot live in Manhattan on less than $100,000 a year.
Now if Welfare is too expensive for our government, perhaps they should cut back on it. I have some suggestions listed below:
Farm subsidies grew to 52 Billion dollars from 1995 to 2010. Most went to farmers making over $100,000 a year Government Subsidies to farmers. Currently according to Corporate welfare There are 8 big welfare recipients per year in the US. Nike, 2 Billion $, Royal Dutch Shell 2 Billion $, Fiat Chrysler 2 Billion $, Ford 2.5 Billion $, General Motors 3.5 Billion $, Intel 3.8 Billion $, Alcoa 5.6 Billion $, Boeing 13.1 Billion $.
It would seem that there is plenty of money to subsidize big banks (which I did not even list here) and corporations, but not enough to pay what is owed to old age pensioners who actually paid into the Federal Old Age Survivors and Disability Insurance program.
I did not even list General Electric corporation which has even titled their tax division as an asset because they do not pay taxes and even collect money every year from us taxpayers!!! One of the biggest corporations in the entire world does not pay taxes.!!! I have to ask you who pay taxes, how can the current administration expect to lower corporate taxes when the big corporations do not pay taxes?
I am an old man and I am mad as hell about this!!!

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