Wednesday, July 26, 2017

A thought on our president 1707

It is July 26, 2017 and this thought has stayed with me all day. The north Koreans have been ramping up nuclear tests and ballistic missile tests for more than a year now. Our president has said it is time to stop passive sanctions on that country. In the past two weeks and today our intelligence agencies are saying that north Korea will have a nuclear capable intercontinental ballistic missile within the next year or less. The little tyrant running north Korea has twice in the last week said he will attack the US with a nuclear hammer soon.
This president will have a monumental decision to make in the next 12 months or possibly far less. Does he risk the lives of tens of thousands of people living in San Diego or Long Beach California (the most likely targets due to US navy ships based there) or does he blast out north Korea’s nuclear and missile sites before they can launch on California?
I hope I am wrong, but I cannot shake the fact that this is a real and serious thing that will come to a head in a year or less, especially if he has to hit them before they can hit us. Either event will bring catastrophic results. If he waits for north Korea to launch on us, we lose billions of dollars in property and thousands of lives. I do not think he can reasonably do that. If he takes out north Korean nuke and missile sites, the north will launch armies and artillery on south Korea and thousands of lives will be lost there, including 30,000 US servicemen 20 miles south of the 38th parallel and may start a war with China.
There are no good answers here that I can think of, but I think there could be an answer just months away depending on what Trump does. I am hoping for the best and praying for the rest.

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