Saturday, May 20, 2017

Big Spring Storm 1705

We had a huge storm move through last evening. The wind whipped up along with torrential rainfall and hail. It looked like someone dumped a huge ice chest and filled the patio with several inches of ice. The local news showed our Ford dealer’s weather cam and the storm was so heavy I could not see a single car that was on the lot or the highway that runs beside the dealership. Our glass patio doors that have a four foot overhang still had rain and hail hitting the very top of the doors.
Nearby in Mount Vernon they did not have a tornado, but they did have 95 mph straight-line winds which is still higher than a low level tornado. There were buildings damaged, barns destroyed and debris scattered for miles. There was video of one car on the interstate that had a 2 x 4 sized chunk of a tree that was driven through the front windshield on the driver’s side. I did not find out if the driver was hurt or killed, but something had to have happened to him.
We were safe and had no damage. The tornado watch went on until 4 in the morning.

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