Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Visitor 1704

The night before last I was out on the patio having a smoke when this blinding light came out of the sky. It was like in the movies where the police helicopters shine their bright lights to keep eyes on criminals. I couldn’t look directly at the light, but I could tell the light was coming at me. My mind was filled with apprehension over how that helicopter was going to land between the fence and the pine trees and at the same time I couldn’t hear the fwop, fwop of the rotor blades. Maybe the rotors had stopped and the bright light was just to let the pilot see where he was going to crash.
I was quaking in my boots, unable to move away from the scene. The light stopped moving and dimmed somewhat, but I did not hear any crash. The lower level light allowed me to look toward it and I could see a spindly creature coming toward me. He began to speak and said he was descended from earthlings and he was an anthropologist from 2500 and he said physicists from long ago had determined that time travel was possible, but never figured how to accomplish it. He was here to understand how humans had evolved from their mighty bodies into the spindly creatures they who had left from earth centuries ago became. He told me that so far he had determined that with the harsh pollution and the lack of jobs after the robots had taken over all the manual-labor jobs humans had become stay inside people and sat at their computers  playing computer games and browsing the internet all day long and lost all their muscle tone and their color because the sunshine had all but evaporated due to the pollution.
I did not know for sure if that was correct, but it sounded right to me, so I agreed with his statement. We had a pleasant conversation and afterward he returned to his spaceship and the light was quickly gone. All I can say is it was an interesting encounter of the third kind.

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