Sunday, April 2, 2017

Big Opportunities? 1704

I was at the fitness center this morning walking the treadmill. There are TV sets there to watch as I walk. There was a paid infomercial on the TV for an outfit called Snap-Flip. The deal is you get a free meal and then listen to two “celebrities” from HGTV. If you have ever been to this type of thing you know to expect to have a hard sell at some point during the presentation.
The thing that always occurs to me is if the get rich schemes with little or no work are so great and generate so much easy wealth, then why are these people selling you the product and not just doing it themselves?
The concept is, the person who gets involved in the plan just roams around his/her area looking at homes for sale and then calls up an investor who then buys the home, sends you a check and fixes and flips the house. The promoters of this concept tell you that you can make up to $60,000 just for making one call to the investor.
The promoters will be in this area mid-April. There are only 100 seats and the first 50 people there have a chance at winning a free laptop. Free information, free meal, maybe free laptop, if it’s all free, free, free, while it costs the promoters travel expenses, renting a hall and buying 100 catered meals, how can they do that?

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