Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Sentinel News Stories 170401

These headlines are the stories we're following today:

Late night trailer loads at Walmart’s loading dock spark suspicion that Walmart may be selling prescription drugs.

Arby’s spokesperson announces the food chain will now be putting real meat in its sandwiches, breaking away from industry standards established by McDonald's.

West Virginia coal mines have loaded barges full of coal and ready to go to market as soon as they can clear enough coal slag out of the rivers so the barges can pass through.

The 2017 congressional elections have been postponed until 2018.

Sharp cuts in the defense budget have forced the US army to rent camels for their operations in Iraq as they do not have enough money to buy fuel for tanks and trucks.

For the first time this century more elderly people are dying than young people.

Florida beachfront properties are in a downward slide due to increasing flooding not caused by global warming.

The Whitehouse reported this morning that the president’s pants caught on fire during his normal tweeting about mainstream media’s false stories. The house doctor reported only his ankles were singed.

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