Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Younger days older days 1703

When I was a young man I had nothing to dread.
No worries no fears ever entered my head.
Life seemed like an eternal dream.
But as I matured life built up steam.
The pressure built up here, there, everywhere.
I learned that life was anything but fair.
Though I felt that I had a lot to share.
But then, no one really seemed to care.
Mom used to say, “work hard and you get ahead.”
I soon found out it was time to put that rumor to bed.
I found out the most important thing was personality.
It always was and will always be.
What I did was not as important as what was perceived.
It all boiled down to what the boss believed.
I saw many examples of that all my life.
When I was on the wrong side of that, I was filled with strife.
I always rose to a point where I was pigeon-holed.
Just as the “Peter Principle” has always told.
I really don’t mean to complain; I just want to say,
Lots of others still experience the same thing today.

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