Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Past and Future Internet

I watched a show last night about the beginning and the future of the internet. It was interesting that the first internet connection was between UCLA and Stanford university in 1969. The first transmission was to log into the net and the net crashed after the first two letters of the word log. One interesting part was about artificial intelligence being brought onto the net. Financial companies are using the net to analyze the stock market and predict trends. There is a potential for artificial intelligence to take over the trading on the exchanges and possibly decide that defense stocks would rise in the event of a war. The artificial intelligence would then figure out it could buy defense stocks and short sell consumer stocks and then figure out how to start a war and make a ton of money. I know it sounds far fetched, but then man making a trip to the moon sounded impossible in 1960, with far less technology than we have in a $50 computer tablet today.
Scientists are making robots today that have thinking skills and are taught to interface with humans. It is only a matter of time before they adapt human emotions and then they could or perhaps will decide they can run the world better without humans and that could be the end of humanity.
These movies we see today with humans battling robotic machines may seem far out, but then in the nineteen thirties Buck Rogers flying to the moon and battling aliens seemed far out back then. Now we have been to the moon and now we have robots that soon will possibly be an enemy we have to battle with for our survival.

Robots never sleep and just like the movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” the robots will sneak up on us while we sleep and shread us into body oils to lubricate their movable joints. If this is the last post you ever see from me, know then that the war with the robots has already begun!

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