Monday, November 7, 2016

Veterans Day 2016

Veteran’s Day is just 4 days away. I think it is important to remember those who have done so much for us.
In World War 1 they charged across open fields into machine guns that mowed them down 116,516 lives lost.
World war 2 they charged into heavily defended positions at Normandy on “D” day. They fought against suicidal Japanese on Guadalcanal. Sailors fought against superior Japanese naval forces off Guadalcanal and lost so many ships the sound there was called Iron Bottom sound. Marines and soldiers lost thousands of their brothers on Peleliu, Tarawa, Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Thousands of sailors died off Okinawa to Kamikaze attacks on ships supporting the marines and army taking control of the island. 495,399 lost lives in 4 years.
Korea brought 35,000 deaths and 90,000 wounded in just 3 years.
Vietnam cost 58,000 in 10 years.
Afghanistan has cost so far cost 2,356.
Iraq 4,497 soldiers lost their lives.
This does not account for all of the other lives lost in the astoundingly long list of shorter military actions in between what I have listed the link below has them all. US Casualties of wars

These are men who have died in many cases before they could vote, buy a beer or raise a family. They died for us. There are of course millions of servicemen who did not die, all for us.

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