Saturday, October 29, 2016

Heaven and Hell

Faith is defined as a strong belief in doctrines, God, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
I do believe in God; but I know people who do not believe in heaven or hell or even the existence of God. I like them better than someone who professes to believe one thing, but lives a life different than he preaches.
Now for some reason as I was drinking my coffee this morning I began thinking about heaven and what it would be. I am sorry, but I find it difficult to believe there is a hell and hope I do not find out I am wrong on that subject. So I was thinking about heaven, it being such a more pleasant concept. I would like to think heaven would be different for everyone and would be based on things we have enjoyed on earth and hell (if it exists) would be spending time forever with people we learned to dislike.

My heaven might be my own radio shop with a few radios to repair (those that are repairable and not the throw away kind like those made today). There would be a few cruises to go on navy ships that lasted for a few days at a time, not those long, never-ending ones I used to make. There would be lots of always cold, good beer, good smokes, my fine woman to share it with and great music. There would be a form of teleportation so we could snap our fingers and be anywhere we wanted to be to enjoy a day or night. Those of us who believe, know there are angels all around us and they can be anywhere, any time, so there has to be teleportation. In my heaven, there would be no worries about anything. If you have read this far and are wondering, of course there would be great sex.

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