Monday, November 14, 2016

Getting Old

I never thought about getting old. There was no manual to study the subject, so I figured it would just be like on-the-job-training. Now I’ve had some on-the-job-training and that goes quicker than your first sex on a honeymoon and when it’s done you know little more than when you started. I think I know a lot more about life, but I have no one to tell what I have learned. Even if I did, I have learned that what works for me is not what is right for someone else. Besides, I do not feel it is my job, my right to tell someone else what he/she should do. I do not have the facts that person has, nor the emotion another person feels. For all I know, he/she might be bat-shit crazy and drag me with them down the road to crazy town. Sometimes that’s a very short ride down a one-way street.
One thing I have learned is emotion. I am quicker to laugh and quicker to cry. That is something I did not expect. I am not bipolar, not bisexual, not bianything that I know of at the moment.
I have learned the best sounds in the world are the words, “I love you” and the sound of a beer can opening. I look at young people these days and I do not want to be young again, but I could live well without all of the accumulated aches and pains that come back to haunt me as I continue my path into old age.

Life itself does not come with a training manual and I kind of wish it did. It would be so much easier to make the transition into old age. My parents were not the type to share much about life so I am hurtling into the abyss with no idea of what comes next. I suppose I will just have to learn things as time goes by.

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