Sunday, October 2, 2016

Netflix Movies and Fashion

I started using Netflix years ago when I could get DVDs and streaming service for a low $8 a month. I quit them in protest when they decided to split the two and charge the same $8 for each. Now several years later, I have signed up for the streaming service again. I am on a free trial at the moment but I do not think I can do without it. There are so many good shows available and I despise watching commercials. Some of the regular cable shows are almost 50% commercials. With Netflix the same shows simply fade to black and return a second later without the commercial break. They have dropped a lot of movies through the years and some I will miss, but the new content is excellent. There is a series called “Longmire” about an aging sheriff in modern day Wyoming that I really enjoy. The characters are great and the stories are too. The sheriff is old school and he avoids new technology but he gets the job done. He can wade into a group of bad boys and still whip them. The scenery is terrific in the show.
I do still watch some cable, especially TCM network because they do not have commercials during the movie. Recently I have noticed there are a lot of movies that may seem to be new ideas, but are really modern-day remakes of old movies from the thirties through the sixties. For instance, “Mister Deeds” with Adam Sandler is a remake of “Mister Deeds goes to Town” with Gary Cooper. “You’ve Got Mail” with Tom Hanks is a remake of “The Shop Around the Corner” with Jimmy Stewart. The new “Magnificent Seven” is a remake of the movie of the same name from the sixties with Yul Brenner, which itself was a remake on an earlier Japanese movie titled “Seven Samurai.”  The list goes on, even in music. Kids today listen to songs that are repeats of songs we listened to in the sixties. Don’t ask me for examples because at the moment I have none; I just hear them occasionally.
I suppose fashion changes on a regular cycle too. I am waiting for my corduroy shirts to come back in style because all of mine are pretty worn out. Speaking of fashion, I was in Wal-Mart yesterday and there in the men’s department were blue jeans washed until they were nearly threadbare. Others look like someone was under his car changing the oil and in the process had a bad spill on the jeans. Who wants to wear jeans that look like they have oil all over them? The new jeans that were nearly threadbare were so worn looking that I would not wear them to the grocery store. I suppose my age is showing badly.


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