Saturday, August 6, 2016

Weird Dream 1608

I was back in the old farm house, in early morning, filling a wash basin and thinking I was going to work one more year at Litton and then retire. As I thought about that I noticed my feet were getting wet. I had overfilled the basin and water was running across the hardwood floor. I shut off the tap and was looking for some rags to mop things up, but could not find any, so I went to ask Joyce for some rags to clean up the mess. I could see how the water was running across the uneven floor and down into the basement. As I cleaned up the mess I realized I had already been retired for several years and that made me happy. I went outside and got into the old truck (which has been gone for several years) and I remembered I had sold the farm. The new owner had a fleet of bulldozers and road graders and had knocked down the old garage, all the trees and the dust was flying everywhere from the feverish pace of the equipment. The job foreman (who just happened to be the 118-year-old vampire from the Preacher TV series) came walking up and motioned me out of the way of the heavy equipment that was headed toward me. I moved the old truck back to the back of the house where there was a huge pile of rocks and I wondered if they were going to bulldoze the house too.

That was when I woke up from the dream. It seems funny to me that my dreams always take me back to the past, Whether it’s back to my navy days, or working at Litton or living on the farm, I always seem to be looking for something that I cannot find.
Lately, I have been seeing dead people in my dreams. It reminds me of the Bruce Willis movie “The Sixth Sense,” where the young kid is always seeing dead people and his parents take him to the psychologist (Willis) to get help for the kid. It turned out that Willis was actually dead and the kid is seeing him. Now logically, I have to wonder if I am dead (seeing dead people) and my hell is always looking for things I cannot find.

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