Thursday, August 4, 2016

Chernobyl Nightmare

I was watching animal planet last night. Scientists went into the area surrounding the old Russian Chernobyl nuclear disaster site to study the effects of radiation on the animals there since the nuclear meltdown, especially the wild horses living there.
What they found, much to their dismay, was zombie wolves that hunt humans, kill them and drink their blood! The high radiation levels changed their DNA and made them man killers. Now the wolves are actually walking and running on two legs. Their massive jaws rip into the flesh of any human in the vicinity and drain out the blood from the human jugular vein. The zombie wolves only come out at night and are never seen in the daytime. The Russian army guards at checkpoints there are scared half to death and the wolves are devouring them night after night.
If these wolves cannot be hunted and killed in short order their population will expand and they will move into eastern Europe and then rampage through the Balkan countries like World War Two Nazis and may even spread the zombie disease to humans, creating a world-wide disaster that will end the human race as we know it.

Soldier of Fortune magazine is running an advertisement this month for mercenaries to go into the Chernobyl area and hunt down the zombie wolves before they spread across Europe. The pay is great, $100,000 per year, but the possibility of becoming a human zombie is greater. Those signing up for duty there must sign a release form making Soldier of Fortune immune from any legal action should one or all of the mercenaries become a zombie themselves.

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