Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Oh No!

I had this dream that woke me up screaming. It went like this; Donald Trump accepted an offer from the president of Mexico to have a private audience to discuss the border fence. Trump arrived at a secret location, went into the meeting and was promptly arrested as an enemy of the state of Mexico. The U.S. promptly protested his arrest and demanded his release. The president of Mexico held a press conference and with a big smile on his face, reminded the U.S. that Mexico does not have an extradition treaty with the U.S. and declared that the Donald would not be released.
The dream continued with Hillary pledging that after winning the November election and on her first day in office would pass legislation that all women would now have to purchase and wear pantsuits, and for each day of the week there would be a designated color. And then on March 15, 10 million women would march on Washington in red pantsuits and blond hairdos to demand the republican congress pass a law providing for equal pay for women doing equal work.

It turned out that when the November election rolled around, my good friend Ted and I won the election with write in ballots, thus beginning 4 years of “Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure” (a little nod there to a 1989 movie of the same name) running the government the correct way.

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