Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 4

September 4, 2016 is the 53rd anniversary of my enlisting in the navy. This is one of the two anniversaries I can remember. The other is my wedding anniversary. Both were major events in my life. Both involved anchors. One had anchors aweigh that took me far away, the other has been an anchor of stability, love and purpose in my life. My life would never have been the same after either one and never have been as good as it has without either one. The navy taught me a lot about life and taught me a trade that I have used to support myself all of my working days and I still use it. My marriage gave me the one thing that counts in life, someone to love. Without both anchors, I would be a ship adrift at sea, subject to the winds, rocks and shoals, and destined to founder at some point. Lucky for me, the course I set by chance was a good one. There have been times with no wind to maintain my course, times with stormy seas to knock me off course, but the two anchors have brought me back to steering a steady course. I do not know when I will reach my final destination, but I do know I want to keep a steady hand at the helm until I get there.

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