Wednesday, August 24, 2016

People are crazy

Yesterday morning I was driving to the doctor’s office, down a narrow country road in an absolute downpour. The rain was so heavy I could barely see, even with the windshield wipers on high speed. There was a truck following me way too close and two cars behind it. I had seen the line behind me for more than a mile back. I was going the speed limit on the road to try and keep them from nudging my back bumper. There was no place for them to pass and no place for me to pull off the road and the ditch was full of water. I was just over a mile from my destination when this woman swings out from the back of the pack and comes flying past all of us honking her horn and flipping me off as she passed by. She even scared the guy in the truck because he backed off after she passed us. One mile later I was sitting behind this crazy woman at a stop sign. She turned into a residential neighborhood one block later. There seemed to be no reason why she was in such a hurry to risk a multi-car pileup in the rain. I guess one never knows when some crazy person will put others in danger.

As long as there is sunshine, George Strait, Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffet, uncle Billy is good!

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