Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Doctor Conspiracy

I was at the hospital yesterday during my daughter’s surgery. All in all it was several hours, so I had time to have lunch and roam around the hospital. That was when I noticed something that startled me.
Now doctors are always telling people to lose weight and that will improve their health, but this is what I saw. In the cafeteria, nurses and doctors were hustling in and out of the area, or sitting at tables and they were all chunky. Why is that, I wondered. These are the people who take care of the sick and yet they themselves are not what they tell us to be. I roamed around the hospital and found most (not all) the patients being rolled in or out were thin and frail. Those visiting the sick were mostly quite portly and usually having a snack as they roamed the halls. Coincidence or conspiracy, I wonder.

On another note, in a theater or a crowded stadium, is there a certain etiquette when one passes close by others who are seated? Seating is tight, so in passing, does one slide his backside past the seated face or does one pass his business side past the seated? There is not enough space to pass by at a perpendicular angle which would seem to be the most desirable way to pass.
As I was writing this I started to spell etiquette as edicate and I thought that was not correct, so I typed edicate into Google search and this is what I found; according to the Urban Dictionary Edicate is when you are not edumacated enough to spell etiquette.

One last thought for the day, I have noticed when I look at something on Amazon, the site remembers and shows it to me again the next time I look at anything else. I figure that is good marketing. Now what is somewhat distressing is when I go on Facebook the next time, I am seeing an ad for what I looked at on Amazon. It gets worse than that, when I went on the Titan TV listings site I was seeing an ad for the same thing I had looked at on Amazon. Coincidence or conspiracy?

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