Friday, June 24, 2016

A Word of Thanks

Yesterday I was out on my little walk to empty the trash and gather up the mail. It was 92 degrees with the sun blazing. By the time I made my short walk, I was sweating and tired of the heat and then as I passed the swimming pool, there were two eye-popping honeys in their little bikinis sunning by the pool. It was a lovely sight to see.
At the same time, I could not help but think about the boys and girls who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, with 120 degree heat, full length uniforms, body armor and gear packed on their backs. They must have poured sweat all the time in the field and had nothing to look at like what I just saw. No cold beer to sip on a warm afternoon, no clean streets to walk on, nothing. Every trip outside the wire, they were looking down for explosives, looking up to balconies and rooftops, checking down alleys for unusual movements or heads popping out, while I was looking for something to be popping out of one of those bikinis.

My word of thanks today goes out to those who served and those who are currently serving in those two armpits of the world. And while I am at it, thanks to those who served in Vietnam, Korea and other less desirable places of the world. Less than 1% of our nation protects and serves our nation in far away corners of the world. Thanks to the sometimes forgotten, neglected, and abused 1% who do more for our country than the exalted, hailed, admired 1% who get the greatest benefits and glorification of this great nation. Whenever I am out and see a veteran, young or old I stop, shake their hand and thank them for their service. It must not happen often, because they all seem surprised that anyone would do such a thing.

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