Saturday, June 25, 2016

World War Three Blues

I was listening to an old Bob Dillon song titled "Talking World War Three Blues" yesterday. Talking+World+War+III+Blues

It seemed like the song was prophetic at the time. We are, I think, in World War Three or the cusp of it at the moment. So far there have been no nuclear weapons dropped, but there is always tomorrow or next year.

Right now there is a lot of talk about the upcoming elections and a lot of fear mongering going on. It may be the end of the world (career wise) for political candidates, but it is my hope for us normal people that life will go on and even get better.

It seems our political system is broken and the guys and gals who broke it are still in office. I doubt they will turn around and fix it. So for us normal folks, I say enjoy what we have while we have it.

Lately in the political ads, local, state and national, the candidates are telling us about how well they have run their businesses and that makes them a perfect candidate for government offices. Here is my thinking, when a person runs a business he/she is king of the hill, their word is law. If and when they enter office as a first term office holder, they are a peanut at the bottom of that hill, making for a bad transition.

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