Thursday, June 23, 2016

Changes in Latitude

Our move from the farm was only a few minutes of south of the latitude we lived in, but the changes have been dramatic. I feel like Jimmy Buffet’s song Changes in Latitude and I am happy with the change.
So many people have asked, “Don’t you miss living on the farm?” It’s an easy answer for me, “No!” It was great during the years we raised calves and sheep and worked tirelessly in the garden, not to mention doing the “Green Acres” thing, riding the old Ford tractor across the pasture. The thing is, one by one those things went away; we got old and could not or would not keep up with things.
We got tired, so we retired and so far it’s a good feeling. I still have my view that I can see outside from our dining table. There are two nice pine trees to look at and while the yard is smaller, I do not have to mow it, weed it or water it. Every once in awhile I sit on a hot afternoon, cold beer in my hand, look out the sliding glass door and think this is what I worked hard for all my life. I am reminded of the movie “Jeremiah Johnson” when Will Gere asked Robert Redford, “Were it worth the trouble pilgrim?” Redford’s reply, “Ah, what trouble?”

How is it that I can remember scenes from a movie I saw over 30 years ago and not remember what I had for supper last night? Don’t say drinking beer is the answer, well drinking beer is an answer to a lot of things, but not the answer to the question just posed.

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