Friday, September 18, 2015

Beware Windows 10

          My issues with windows 10 are huge. I have been through Windows 3.1, (sucked), Windows 95, (sucked) Windows 98, (pretty good), Windows ME, (sucked) Vista, (ok after they fixed all the initial problems), Windows XP, (Very good), Windows 7, (Excellent) and now Windows 10 (sucks).
          My problems with Windows 10 are as follows. It took 5 giga-bytes to download to begin with and downloads continuous updates, costing me money to go over my 5 giga-bit limit. It corrupted or removed several programs that I use on a regular basis. The old start button now has multiple and continuous flashing icons that slow down my computer. It tries to dominate my computer with Microsoft only programs I do not like to use. It makes it difficult to switch between users, Joyce and me. It does not like any non-Microsoft programs. It took away Joyce’s old style solitaire game which she loved to play. It continually wants us to sign in on a Microsoft X-box account to access any games. It is as I feared a ploy to dominate our computer life. Once I accepted to try Windows 10, it kept asking to download the system. When I selected the option to delay that, Microsoft downloaded it anyway, without my permission to do so. My older laptop running Vista with a single processor runs faster than the newer dual core processor with twice the memory. Paying bills on line, the payee keeps saying that they do not recognize this new computer.
          I bought a chrome book laptop this spring that does 90 plus % of what the Windows computer does and there are no issues as I described above. I am sick of Windows crap and would get rid of all of their BS but for that tiny 10% or less. That is my thinking at this point in time. The Chrome book even does updates in the background and I never even notice any slow down or other issues. 

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