Thursday, May 7, 2015

Some Good Shots Here on the Farm Today

This is a shot of some wild gooseberries in the deep woods here. Look at the center of the picture to see one of the berries. these do not ever change color when they ripen. The wild critters love them.

These are some of the wild blackberries here in the woods.

This is just one frond of all the wild blackberries in the woods. The deer will eat all of these before they are ripe enough for us to eat.

Wild daises on one of my paths through the woods. 

I have no idea what these wild weedy flowers are.

 This is one of my favorite gardens on the farm. The concrete in the foreground is 10 feet wide and it goes back 10 feet. We call it the foundation garden because it is the old foundation of a 10 by 10 one room house that was here on the farm when we moved here 26 years ago. It had a wood stove and shelves for canned goods and someone, we know not who lived there. The Wyricks, the ones who built our home here did not know who had lived there, so it was more than 100 years old when I took it down. I used it as a potting shed, a chicken house and a tool shed for 20 years. The old barn was built on the back side of it.

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