Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Jackmani and Daises

This is a Clematis, of the Jackmani variety blooming today. At one time I had over 100 varieties of flowers growing in 4 beds stretching 25 feet each across the front lawn. You might imagine that took up copious amounts of my time weeding and watering and fertilizing. Once I retired and had the time to care for all of them, I did not have the energy. I either moved or dismantled all of the beds. This Jackmani kept coming back after being ripped out and mowed over. I saw it  lifting out of the ground again this year and decided to replace its trellis and see what happened. The results are in the next 3 pictures.

This is a splendid bloomer and there are a lot more blooms getting ready to pop.

The trellis is 6 feet tall and the vine has grown that much already this year.

These wild daisies have expanded on the north side of the house. The next picture will give you an idea of the bed size.

There are thousands of daisies in this approximately 10 by 15 feet bed. It is spectacular and I did not have to do a thing for it. It has arrived on its own and is better than anything I have ever created through working or designing.

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