Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Voices in the Night

Tuesday May 26, 2015 this was an interesting day. Joyce and I were talking as we sipped our afternoon drinks. I mentioned that since we have lived here I have heard voices late in the night. Our closest neighbors are a tenth of a mile away, yet at times I hear someone’s voices at night. She replied that she heard them too. We had never shared this before. This house is 94 years old at this point and since 1921 there have been several people who have died in the house. The voices are muted and difficult to understand. Last night when Joyce came to bed she went to sleep quite early and after she was asleep I heard the voices. I actually got up to see if she had not turned the TV off. I heard a man’s and a woman’s voice last night. This may sound strange to a reader, but it is true and it never happened until after we moved into this house. It does not bother either of us, beyond the fact that we cannot decipher what is being said. We do not know if the voices are of a ghostly nature or perhaps a parallel dimension, nor do we care.

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