Sunday, March 1, 2015

Recent Files

I just discovered this today and I think it is something to know about. In some windows computers there is a folder called “Recent Places” that has shortcuts to recent files you have accessed on your computer. If your system has that folder, any nefarious character who might access or steal your computer can easily find out pertinent, files you would not want them to see. I deleted those shortcuts with access to my tax files today. One thing to remember with windows is deleting files only puts them in your recycle bin. You must empty the bin when there are important files in there. I hope this information is helpful. I have windows 7 and it has the feature, but my windows vista computer did not have it. The best thing I can say is empty your recycle bin regularly. Keep your important files on a separate backup device. I would recommend a flash drive that is away from your computer. Flash drives are cheap these days and in my experience have been very dependable. You of course have to keep them in a safe place.

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